
Can I wear braces while pregnant?

Pregnancy is a revolution for a woman's body. A lot changes both in her appearance and well-being. Some of the things previously allowed become prohibited or require consultation with a doctor. And what about orthodontic treatment? Can I wear braces while pregnant?

No contraindications to treatment

Two lines on a pregnancy test often bring tears of emotion and indescribable joy. However, should the patient see them immediately give up orthodontic treatment? Fortunately, there is no such need. If a woman feels well and the brace does not cause additional problems, there is no reason to stop wearing the brace. If it requires taking large amounts of painkillers, you should consult your doctor. However, there are medications that can be safely taken during pregnancy.

It is also worth mentioning that people who do not decide to treat malocclusions with traditional fixed orthodontic appliances, but choose orthodontic splints such as Clear Aligner, can expect less pain associated with the treatment. The overlays also require a shorter time to be worn, so it can be expected that the treatment will end during pregnancy. However, detailed diagnosis and prognosis should be left to the orthodontist.

Troublesome beginnings

However, initial diagnosis before starting orthodontic treatment may be a problem. To prepare a plan, it is usually necessary to take a dental X-ray, which is definitely not recommended during pregnancy. The same applies to tooth extraction, which sometimes turns out to be necessary before starting treatment. During pregnancy, the body is already weakened enough to pose an additional risk of tooth extraction. By choosing a Clear Aligner, the likelihood of having to extract fours and fives is reduced, and only eights are extracted. Therefore, if you want to start orthodontic treatment during pregnancy, it is a good idea to consider using overlays. However, it is worth planning to start wearing braces before pregnancy.

Safe for allergy sufferers

For women struggling with allergies, pregnancy is extremely troublesome - the allergy often attacks with increased force and causes troublesome symptoms. In the case of women who suspect an allergy to the components of composite glue or to nickel, treatment with orthodontic splints such as Clear Aligner will be a good move. Due to the way they are made, they do not contain the above-mentioned allergens.

We encourage everyone considering orthodontic treatment to contact the orthodontic offices we cooperate with.

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