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clear aligner

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clear aligner

Innovation in treatment of malocclusion

Clear Aligner is an innovative method of malocclusion treatment. The splints are manufactured in a certified orthodontic laboratory KarDent, where we use 3D technology and we guarantee computer precision.

Clear Aligner splints provide great freedom of choice at work, because they can be used to treat many types of malocclusion. It is enough to consult the patient to choose the optimal treatment plan!

The KarDent laboratory has the International CA® Clear-Aligner Apparatus Certificate. The splints are made with great precision and provide quick treatment results!



Comfort of treatment

The desired effects of treatment are achieved in a very short time. Clear Aligner is more effective than traditional methods


Patient control

The attending dentist does not have to monitor the progress of treatment in his patients as often as in the case of traditional methods


Effects simulation

The splints are created for each patient using 3D technology that allows you to simulate the effects of treatment

Scanning and 3D printing

Each doctor cooperating with KarDent can receive a report containing an analysis of the patient’s tooth movements and a simulation of treatment effects.

We produce Clear Aligner on the basis of a 3D scan of the teeth and mandible made by a doctor. We also offer the introduction scans of plaster models to the virtual world. The orthodontic office does not have to be equipped with an intraoral scanner. We encourage you to take advantage of this solution, because according to the official interpretation of the Ministry of Health, digital 3D models are treated as medical documentation!

The KarDent laboratory offers the scanning of plaster models and the creation of digital archives (STL files) at a favorable price for an orthodontic office. Doctors using the service will also receive a free viewer for STL files. Importantly, the doctor does not need to have constant control over the patient! Going on vacation or canceling a follow-up visit does not adversely affect the treatment process. The doctor has full control over the treatment!


Why innovation?

The Clear Aligner orthodontic appliance allows for the treatment of malocclusions quickly, while remaining invisible to the naked eye.

The overlays can be quickly and easily removed from the mouth, making it easy for wearers to maintain proper hygiene. Because the braces are not permanently attached to the teeth, there is no need to etch the enamel, which is a common concern among patients. The smooth surface of the splints, the lack of wires and brackets allows you to avoid irritation in the oral cavity that often accompanies traditional fixed orthodontic appliances. All this contributes to the patient's comfort and greatly facilitates treatment.

What is the treatment process using Clear Aligner?

Treatment with an innovative method using the Clear Aligner system is preceded by consultation with an orthodontist. If his assessment allows us to proceed, impressions of the patient's jaw and mandible are taken, which form the basis for making straightening splints.

The next step is to prepare Clear Aligner orthodontic overlays. The 3D technology and specialized equipment used for this purpose, combined with computer precision, guarantee good rail production. The attending physician is responsible for the entire course of treatment and will supervise the process. Impressions taken every visit are the basis for making subsequent sets of splints, so permanent braces are not required.


What kind of malocclusion can the Clear Aligner deal with?

Whether the malocclusion is suitable for treatment with clear aligner orthodontic overlays is assessed by the orthodontist. Much depends on the patient's age and the complexity of his defect

The most common are:

The greatest advantages of Clear Aligner orthodontic overlays
